The boys of Riaumont

Being a Boy of Riaumont“, is for them a title of nobility and hundreds the old veteran boys are always willing to testify this statement.

Each child arriving at the village has his own story. Some are placed by the Ddass, some others survived among the Boat People, others simply made the choice with their family to opt for this style of scouting education. Indeed, the method of Baden-Powell impregnates the spirit and the activities at the village of Riaumont where nature, the games, the effort and the direction of the responsibilities are at the base of our pedagogy. The system of patrols. Six to eight boys under the responsibility of one of them live together and share the same activities, the same services and the same concerns.

The choice is left to each individual to be part or not of the pack or the troop. Those, as all the scouts units of Riaumont (Louvettes, Louveteaux, Guides, Scouts, Elder Guides and Rovers) are opened to the children from the neigboring area who gather to Riaumont in large numbers. The camp of July being a highlight time of the year, the scouts camp with the troop and the other boys have their own activities. For the latter, their red outing uniform made them be nicknamed ” Spahis “.

The everyday life at the village rests on rules and traditions, some more or less worked out by the boys themselves with the passing of years. Thus the workshop coat of arms “dissimulates” the history of equerries of Riaumont. The Knighthood is everywhere present at Riaumont and the boys are the first ones to hold firmly to this principle.

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